Labels:bird | book | bulletin board | dialog box OCR: Field Belongs To To tie field to the person or to the position Position #7 select field in the fie1ds list of the Define Fie1ds dialog Then the appropriate radio button in the Perso dialog Per rsonal and Mary Office Trent Manager Farr When per: on you (such move Positional Information field in an OrgChari Express positional document can contain one of two informa ation types of infor 'mation. Per sonal behind inform tion information tied the person holding the position repr esented bu tile When you I move Office Manager or delete person the associated personal information movec or deleted. In contr ast positional inform: tion (title job description) the job and remains behind ueum you change the iob holder Mary Trent Farr fie1d Fields appr opriate OrgChart tupes moved descr iption wher